CubeIQ news on cash recycling and TCR technologies
November 05, 2019
CashCluster Gen3, released
CubeIQ is announcing a major release of the CashCluster Gen3, an indispensable component of CMN-System for enterprise RCC services. CashCluster Gen3 retains the same look and feel of the 1st and the 2nd generation, implementing certain "design objectives", such as:
August 01, 2019
CashRelay connecting CMN-System with “Instant-Cash to NBG” services.
CashRelay is a component of CMN-System, with exclusive responsibility to relay the financial events information performed at CMN-System CSS, to the Bank(s).
May 09, 2019
CMN-System brings together Coins and Banknotes deposit
The integration of YOUGO U-Bundle with MultiCash MSS, in CMN-System platform has been released. This new combi solution is capable to handle high volumes of cash with the speed of 1.200 coins and 300 notes per minute.
April 15, 2019
MultiCash MSS coin deposit system, integrated in CMN-System
MSS basic-14, a highspeed coin deposit machine developed by MultiCash Austria, has been added in CMN-System supported CHDs (Cash Handling Devices). MultiCash Automation belongs to the worldwide leading manufacturers of cash handling products. MultiCash devices are designed to count, sort and dispense various currencies securely in a time-efficient manner. For more than 25 years is developing, producing and selling reliable systems with maximum functionality and modern design.
March 19, 2019
U-Bundle banknotes deposit CSS, added in CashCluster supported devices
U-Bundle, a high-speed deposit smart-safe, developed by YOUGO srl., was recently added in CashCluster supported cash handling devices. Performing validation of 300 notes per minute, U-Bundle is the perfect solution to manage medium to large cash volumes.
July 14, 2017
ARCA SID V implemented in CashCluster
CMN-System enhanced its Cash Smart Safe terminals user interface, CashCluster, implementing the new ARCA SID V (Generation 5).
May 10, 2017
WEB SEMINAR | Cash Recycling: Features, Deployment, and Pitfalls to Avoid
Adding new technology to the branch can be a monumental task. There are legacy systems to integrate, internal stakeholders, to convince, and the technology choice itself is rarely an easy decision.
May 04, 2017
ARCA Captures Largest Increase In Teller Assist Unit Market Share
RBR study reveals ARCA worldwide market growth outpacing competitors in 2016 Cash automation technology leader ARCA captured the largest increase in worldwide market shares, including the USA, in sales of teller assist units (TAU) last year, according to Teller Automation and Branch Transformation 2017. The 964-page report is published by RBR in London, and is widely recognized as the leading provider of strategic research in the industry.
April 08, 2017
Enterprise Cash Management System Framework
CubeIQ commenced a large scale program to elevate Cash Management System capabilities in regards to mixed currency processing. The project team will work in a newly established lab with several banknote recyclers, capable to process up to 16 different banknote currencies each one, as well as coin depositor devices.
January 13, 2017
IcM Gen.2 | Incident Management Generation 2
CubeIQ is announcing a major release of the Incident Management Gen2, an indispensable component of CMN-System for enterprise RCC services. IcM Gen2 is now stronger than ever in monitoring and incidents management, such as: Health monitoring - Jams, component failures, malfunctions. - Missing cash removable storage media. Critical events watch - Cash media replacement, recycler offload, cash storage full, safebox door open, alarms relay. Alive connection link - Detect link connectivity failure.
January 12, 2017
"Till Opening Cash management" plug-in for CashCluster
CMN-System enhanced its Cash Smart Safe terminals user interface, CashCluster, with the addition of the "Till Opening Cash management" plug-in module. This module is applicable on cash recyclers with extended deposit capabilities, such as the ARCA CM18b, which are installed in large retail stores back offices.
January 03, 2017
XtranLog, the Web-Services subsystem of CMN-System
Occasionally CMN-System stakeholders (Merchant, Bank, CIT) require automated financial reporting outside the CMN-System, by CMN-System to Stakeholder client app. They need financial information of committed transactions (deposits and withdrawals) by single merchant or multi-merchant users, taking place at the Cash Smart Safes (automated electronic depositor and/or recycler machines), which are installed at merchant retail outlets or generally in the field.
January 02, 2017
CashPartner | Announcing new Revision - R.06.01
The new revision of CashPartner R.06.01, is now available to CMN-System subscribers (SaaS). #CMNsystem; #CashPartner
January 02, 2017
New CashCluster application for ARCA CM18b (#CMNsystem, #CashCluster, #ARCA, #CM18b)
The new CashCluster application, designed for use with ARCA CM18b Cash Recycler and Smart Safe devices, is now available to CMN-System users. A great tool for outlets with multiple cashiers and shifts per day.
January 01, 2017
#CMNsystem performance during 2016
For one more year, CMN-System SaaS server, delivered great performance to all hosted stakeholders.
October 26, 2016
Point of Sale or Back Office Retail Cash Management Solution - Source:
Cash management practices in retail environments have been static for decades but a wave of technology innovations are changing the landscape. The dilemma for retailers is choosing the right solution. There are cash automation options for POS registers and solutions designed for a back office or cash room. How do you decide which is right for your retail business? You can start by answering these questions.
February 12, 2016
CubeIQ participating in EuroCIS 2016
CubeIQ would like to invite you to EuroCIS 2016, the leading Trade Fair for Retail Technology in Dusseldorf, Germany from February 23 to 25, 2016, to demonstrate our Cash Management Network, CMN new platform version and to discuss your needs on Cash, Cash Deposit Machines and Smart Safes Management. CubeIQ will exhibit on Hall 10/F34
December 04, 2015
OPS - Operational Scenario Player Release 2
CubeIQ is announcing the new release R02 availability of the OPS tools, namely the 'CM24B Operational Scenario Player' (OPS). This product is aiming to the analyst who is responsible for the sizing and configuration of one or more CM24B devices, intended to process efficiently the incoming bulk cash. The OPS tool is running a detailed simulation of all cash processing steps and is backed-up by CubeIQ's Professional Services consultants, who carry extensive experience on Cash Recycling and Remote Cash Capture domains.
November 22, 2015
OPS - Operational Scenario Player Tool launched by CubeIQ
ARCA's flagship product, namely the CM24B Cash Recycler device, may automate fully the backoffice cash processing operations when it comes to bulk quantities. CubeIQ Ltd., a leading company in Cash Handling Automation, has developed a CM24B smart user interface and device driver which, by design, fulfils this challenging job requirements. Today CubeIQ is announcing the release of a new advanced product, namely the 'CM24B Operational Scenario Player' (OPS), aiming to the analyst who is responsible for the sizing and configuration of one or more CM24B devices, intended to process efficiently the incoming bulk cash.
November 17, 2015
CubeIQ speech in IoT Conference, Nov.2015
Company to present its IoT-enabled monitoring and control of cash collection points in retail chains, in Divani Caravel on Wednesday, November 25th, 2015 Presentation key points will cover a road map evolving the legacy cash aggregation concept into a state of the art IoT Ecosystem.
November 12, 2015
CubeIQ Ltd to participate in the 2015 "IoT" Conference in Athens
Company to present its IoT-enabled monitoring and control of cash collection points in retail chains, in Divani Caravel on Wednesday, November 25th, 2015 Athens, Greece, November 12, 2015 - CubeIQ Ltd is pleased to announce its participation in the 2015 "IoT" conference of the technology innovators, an event with products exhibition hall, where leading companies will present their "IoT" implementations with successful go-to-market track record.
September 28, 2015
CMN System upgraded its performance and scalability
CMN System enhanced its enterprise grade capabilities in the context of Supervisor Control of a large number of Cash Smart Safe Devices.
September 24, 2015
CMN-System in twitter
Follow @CMNsystem to get in-the-moment updates on CMN-System.
June 28, 2015
User Engagement Profile in CashPartner
CubeIQ announced the release R05.18 of CashPartner which among other enhancements is featuring the newly developed "User Engagement Profile". This is aiming to provide an outlook of user context and engagement activity both as Cash Smart Safe device user, as well as office user. The information are available both to each user on his/her home screen and to entitled stakeholder administrator in the "Users Administration" web page.
June 23, 2015
Cash media fill level forecasting services
CubeIQ announced cash media fill level forecasting services availability. This is a subscription based package which is aiming to optimize the CIT trips cost. Prediction accuracy is high, while it is maturing by the accumulation of growing historical data.
June 23, 2015
CMN System Uptime Monitoring Service
Starting Fall 2014, CubeIQ is monitoring its central CMN System server uptime by subscribing to an independent monitoring services provider. Thus CubeIQ customers, using SaaS licenced RCC services may have full visibility to offered service level.
June 23, 2015
CMN-System participated at BUSINESS IT EXCELLENCE contest. The area where the best Internet of Things solutions (entrepreneurs, developers, users) come together to find the most efficient ones.
June 09, 2015
CashPartner with statistical reports for RCC system fine tuning
CashPartner release R05.17 is enhanced with a number of Statistical Reports aiming to Operations teams of Merchant and CIT company, assisting the overall RCC operations fine tuning.
June 01, 2015
Analytics report on Smart Safe Device Workload
CashPartner release R05.16 contains a new analytics report on "Device Workload". This report is intended for technical support community, aiming to observe the correlation between the banknotes processing volume workload, versus jam incidents.
May 26, 2015
RFC5424 compliant SysLog Syncing with external recipients
CMN System R05.15 incorporating RFC5424 compliant SysLog Syncing with external recipients announced to be up and running on the production servers.
March 23, 2015
New analytics report: Cash Transactions Daily Activity
CashPartner analytics enriched with another chart report on hourly distribution of cash transactions activity.
March 14, 2015
Announcing CashPartner "Assets Registry"
CMN System has been enhanced with auto-discovery capability of Cash Smart Safes asset id's and key technical information. CashPartner reflects this upgraded capability by reporting the Asset Registry of the complete fleet of connected Smart Safe devices.
March 13, 2015
"Firmware Library" subsystem announced in CashPartner
CubeIQ announced a new release of CashPartner which incorporates a "Firmware Library" subsystem. This is aiming to technical and support teams in managing the Cash Smart Safes firmware.
March 12, 2015
Remote deployment of smart safe firmware upgrades
CMN System extended its remote device management capabilities, with the addition of a new subsystem related to remote deployment of firmware updates on smart safe devices. The new subsystem is based on a hosted library of firmware versions. Both device engines firmware, as well as banknote validator microcode files, are stored on this library, where a CMN taxonomy model is maintained.
November 27, 2014
Cash Deposit Device Health Monitor Tracer
CMN System health monitoring across a large fleet of RCC devices is producing vast amounts of data. Proper analysis on these data may unveil systematic issues on certain devices, which may be correlated with software or hardware versions, situational parameters and specific users behavior. CashPartner R05.09 is enhanced with "Device Health Monitor Tracer" which is a valuable tool, assisting decisively operations and technical service in identifying, isolating and profiling systematic problems.
November 20, 2014
CashPartner cumulative upgrade
CubeIQ is announcing a major cumulative upgrade of CashPartner administration tool to revision R05.08. New features added in Analytics, such as CSSN Cash Inventory, Entities Cash Map and CSS Fill Level Map. Also, the Query front-end user interface has been enhanced, as well as the Mercahnt Journal Monitor which now has data export capability.
November 19, 2014
RCC cash media tracer utility in CashPartner
Cash Media Tracer tool has been added to CashPartner functionalities portfolio, with the new release R05.07b. Operations by using this tool may request full life-cycle details for a specific cash media (re: bag or cassette), including potential erratic events during its handling.
November 17, 2014
Most recent cash media replacement history
CashPartner enriched its information set in Operations Workstation. With this new upgrade the most recent seven bag replacement events are shown in a concise list, along with a verification mark on each event denoting the confidence level in data reliability and accuracy, due to potential issues in the relevant replacement process by the CIT.
November 14, 2014
Daily cash-offload activities Geo-map
Cash off-load activities Geo-map is a new CashPartner feature added in revision R05.07.
November 12, 2014
Cash Offload event verification
CashPartner upgraded to revision R05.06 which incorporates enhanced error detection of cash offload event activity details. The cash media (re: bag or cassette) replacement in a complex electromechanical device may occasionally present issues that affect the relevant data collection accuracy. Even on those extraordinary situations, CashPartner deep scanning is automatically detecting the potential issues, providing CIT operations with valuable heads-up information. Thus, CashPartner from the new version onwards, marks all cash offload events as "verified" or "not verified" (color coded).
July 07, 2014
CMN System upgrade to support multiple Password Security Policies
Today CubeIQ is announcing a major new release of CMN System with an advanced Password Security System. The new system is supporting unlimited number of "password policies", even co-existing in a single RCC contract.
July 01, 2014
Smart safe devices remote software installation and configuration
CubeIQ has developed and made available to CMN System operations and technical administrators an intelligent tool managing the remote installation and configuration of smart safe devices in the field.
June 27, 2014
CashCluster auto-update with remote version control
CashCluster by design is automatically enrolled in a web updates subscription, for new version updates and functionality enhancements. It is integral part of the application, the intelligence to detect and download (certified and secure) updates silently. Today CubeIQ is announcing a comprehensive version control platform, based on digital signatures, for maintaining web services software which is co-existing aside CashCluster in remote Cash Smart Safe devices.
June 09, 2014
CashPartner reports exportable in many industry standard formats
CashPartner has been upgraded offering a unified report exporting platform. Any report viewable on the browser, may be exported in a multitude of industry standard formats.
June 01, 2014
CashCluster expands its multivendor base with CsExtra depositor
CubeIQ announcing the release of a new version of CashCluster after the new depositor device CsExtra launching by manufacturer CTS Electronics, Italy. This version is leveraging on all advanced capabilities of the depositor device model.
October 08, 2013
IcM for Incident Management
CubeIQ, in the context of CMN System continuous evolvement into a large scale enterprise system, announced today the availability of "IcM Subsystem" a comprehensive Incident Management System.
July 10, 2013
CashPartner gets Business IT Excellence Award
CMN System CashPartner, the Remote Cash Control suite granted the Business IT Excellence Award 2013 in the category of Business Process Management and Business Process Outsourcing.
July 09, 2013
CashXCell Pro : RCC Supervision On-the-Go
CubeIQ committed in exploiting the benefits of a truly distributed RCC system, announced today the advanced version of CashXCell mobile app for Android devices. Pro version allows real-time visibility on cash inventory across the fleet of installed Smart Safes, weekly period trend in daily cash collection, and cashier shift details.
May 07, 2013
CubeIQ upgraded CashPartner leveraging on the CM24B rich functionality
CubeIQ upgraded CashPartner to leverage on the Smart Safe model "CM24B" rich functionality.
April 04, 2013
CashCluster the Smart Safe UI expands further its multivendor base
CubeIQ announced today the availability of the new CashCluster(tm) version, for the Cash Smart Safe model "CM24B" of CTS Cashpro (Torino, Italy). It is a CMN System component, which is installed on the Cash Smart Safes, aiming simple, secure and smart interface to users. CashCluster is incorporating a synchronization agent towards the central CMN System.
March 28, 2013
CubeIQ participating in Retail Technology Conference 2013
CubeIQ was participating in the Retail Technology Conference 2013, held at Maroussi Plaza Conferences Center, on March 28th, 2013. CubeIQ Managing Director, Mr.Andreas Papadedes addressed the audience with a speech on Remote Cash Capture, titled "Brining the Bank in the Retail Outlet".
March 08, 2013
CubeIQ presenting CMN System in SAFETY EXPO 2013
CubeIQ is present in SAFETY EXPO 2013 exhibition, taking place in Metropolitan Expo at Athens International Airport major area, between March 8 and 10.
February 04, 2013
CashXCell, the CMN System mobile devices app, announced by CubeIQ
CubeIQ announced today the availability of the CashXCell mobile app for Android devices. It is a CMN System component, which may be installed on smartphones and tablets running Android, aiming instant and simplified access to key RCC information.
January 14, 2013
Hosting the Bank inside the Retail Store
Andreas Papadedes, CubeIQ Ltd. Managing Director, article in Viewpoint of Netweek Magazine.
November 29, 2012
CubeIQ in FT Conference
CubeIQ participates in the Financial Times Conference titled The Future of Banking in Greece, on Dec. 5th in Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel.
November 26, 2012
CashPartner Data Analytics announced by CubeIQ
CubeIQ announced today the enhancement of its product CashPartner, a next generation RCC Admin and Operations system. It is about a new Data Analytics subsystem, offering extended visual representation, via colorful graphs, of running cash data time series.
September 14, 2012
CashCluster, the Smart Safe UI, announced by CubeIQ
CubeIQ announced today the availability of the new CashCluster(tm) version, for the Cash Smart Safe model "SID" of CTS Electronics. It is a CMN System component, which is installed on the Cash Smart Safes, aiming simple, secure and smart interface to users. CashCluster is incorporating a synchronization agent towards the central CMN System.
September 01, 2012
ECB using Greek mythology on New Euro Notes
Starting next May with the 5 Euro note, New Euro banknotes will be released. According to a Bloomberg report, ECB will present in November plans for the new Euro banknotes that will replace the current. They will have the same patterns, slightly different colors, different safety watermarks and representations, complicating the work of counterfeiters.
May 08, 2012
CashPartner, the NextGen RCC tool, announced by CubeIQ
CubeIQ announced today the availability of next generation RCC Admin and Operations system. A Cloud-based enterprise scale, high-availability system, with virtually unlimited capacity of Smart Safe devices ecosystem. CashPartner is the actual backbone of an efficient RCC System, offering complete control over retail deposited cash, until it is collected by the bank CIT service.
December 06, 2011
CubeIQ sponsoring the Bank Management Conference 2011
Bank Management Conference 2011 was held yesterday at Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel in Athens, Greece. CubeIQ was an active sponsor, with an impressive booth demonstrating the next generation Teller Cash Recyclers.
November 21, 2011
CubeIQ announcing new microSite dedicated to RCC (Remote Cash Control)
CubeIQ today distributed a Press Release announcing the availability to the public of a new microSite dedicated to the new era of the so-called Remote Cash Control. The site is aiming to be a single source of reference for all matters around remote cash, deposit, monitoring and management and their implications to relationships between merchants and banks. Andreas Papadedes, Managing Director in CubeIQ, expressed his satisfaction for exposing company's expertise on this emerging services segment.
November 02, 2011
Smart Safes Network and Cash Monitoring
CubeIQ is making available on the web an introductory presentation on Remote Cash Control business. Find out in this presentation the network entities hierarchy (re: Banks, Retail chains and individual outlets), as well as advanced technology “smart safe” equipment.
October 31, 2011
RCC Cash Monitoring Center Demo
CubeIQ is sharing its accumulated know-how in Remote Cash Control business domain, by opening public (demo) access to a web based Cash Monitoring Center applications.
October 27, 2011
Retail Banking Paradigm Shift Presentation by CTS Cashpro, Torino, Italy
Cash Recyclers technology is accelerating the retail banking paradigm shift by branch offices automation with cash recycling technology. Find out a newly developed presentation which is illustrating this shift in an animated and quite simplified manner.
October 24, 2011
TCR microSite Greek language version
CubeIQ made available a Greek language web page, summarizing the TCR microSite contents.
September 28, 2011
2011 Future of Cash Conference in Frankfurt, 17-Nov-2011
The "Future of Cash" Conference in Frankfurt brings together all stakeholders in the cash cycle - central banks, commercial banks, retailers, payment service providers, cash logistics companies, etc. with aim of providing a forum for the exchange of best practices and the further optimisation of the cash supply chain.
September 12, 2011
CubeIQ announcing new microSite dedicated to Cash Recycling
CubeIQ today distributed a Press Release announcing the availability to the public of a new microSite dedicated to Eurosystem Cash Recycling and TCR technologies. The site is aiming to be a single source of reference for all matters around Euro Cash Recycling and their implications to Retail Banking.
August 01, 2011
484 counterfeit euro banknotes found in Malta in first half of 2011
In the first half of this year, 484 counterfeit euro banknotes were reported to the Central Bank of Malta, which counterfeits were all seized in circulation. This amount is the lowest for any six-month period since the adoption of the euro.
July 18, 2011
Euro Banknote Counterfeits Dropped 19% in First Half 2011
The European Central Bank reported that removed 18.8 percent fewer counterfeited euro banknotes from circulation in the first half of 2011 compared with the previous six months.
June 30, 2011
ECB imposing daily reporting functionalities to NCBs
The Governing Council of European Central Bank, in order to respond to a lack of effective reporting tools in financial crisis situations, imposed daily reporting functionalities in addition to the monthly and semi-annual reporting already provided for in Guideline ECB/2008/8. Therefore NCBs shall report on a daily basis to the ECB the "Currency Information System 2" data relating to euro banknotes, i.e. the banknote data items specified in Annex VII of the guideline ECB/2011/9 issued on 30 June 2011.
January 17, 2011
Decline in counterfeit Euro banknotes in 2010
The number of counterfeit euro banknotes seized in 2010 fell by 12.7 per cent, according to data from the European Central Bank. The ECB said 751,000 notes were withdrawn from circulation during 2010, of which 364,102 were seized during the second half of the year. In 2009, some 860,000 notes were withdrawn, compared to 666,000 in 2008 and 561,000 the previous year.
January 02, 2011
Bank of Greece announcing implementation of ECB's decision on authenticity, fitness check and recirculation of euro banknotes
Bank of Greece announced that the ECB Decision was implemented into Greek law by Bank of Greece Monetary Policy Council Act 77/17.12.2010 "Authenticity and fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes; imposition of penalties for failure to comply with Decision ECB/2010/14 and Council Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001". Cash handlers, within the meaning of Article 2 of the ECB Decision and of Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001, are required to observe the rules and procedures on the authenticity and fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes laid down in the ECB Decision.
January 01, 2011
ECB decision on authenticity, fitness check and recirculation of euro banknotes
On January 1st 2011 became applicable the ECB's Governing Council decision adopted on September 16th 2010. It is the ECB/2010/14 on the authenticity, fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes.
September 16, 2010
ECB's legal framework for authenticity, fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes
On 16 September 2010 the Governing Council adopted Decision ECB/2010/14 laying down common rules and procedures on the authenticity and fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes, which replaces the banknote recycling framework published by the ECB in 2005. This Decision was to enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the EU targeted to apply from 1 January 2011 except in Member States that adopt the euro on or after 1 January 2011 for which a one-year transitional period is provided for.
August 10, 2009
Enhancing Privacy and Security in RFID-Enabled Banknotes (IEEE Symposium)
A novel and interesting application of RFID was a banknote with attached tag to determine the authenticity of money and to stop counterfeits.