Two way communication is enabled here

Transition to next generation retail banking infrastructure though challenging and attractive, however needs proactive planning and disciplined execution towards its implementation. It is inherently multidimensional and multiparametric. Among other it is involving consumer experience, innovation in branch office arrangement, intelligent cash management, branch team roles & responsibilities reform, and so on.
Apparently CubeIQ micro-site on Cash Recycling and next-gen TCR equipment is dealing primarily with one dimension. This is the TCR’s technology edge which is an enabling factor for the overall retail banking and branch office transformation. All other aspects can be subject of specific inquiry, discussion and generally information exchange. This is why a means of two way communication is occasionally required.
Retail banking professionals may encounter in this micro-site useful information and interesting aspects, such as the ROI financial and operational models. In a way, this creates an opportunity to further advance this subject. By that we mean to include more parameters in the models, introduce ideas or areas of concern, or push the envelope further in any means. All of them can be subject of communication by the site followers, using the form at the bottom of this page. Trust that your active participation will add incremental value to the content of this site, which is open to the retail banking professionals’ public.
Using the below contact form you may send us any text message, and optionally attach a data file. Please note that the only file type supported (for security reasons) is "zip". There is a reasonable maximum limit on the file size. By sending data or information, you release them from your ownership, accepting the possibility of being included in this "Cash Recycling and TCRs" micro-site, and hence be available to the public.
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