Innovating We think out of the box, seeking solutions beyond perceived barriers and boundaries Analyzing We dive into your particular case, analyze situational conditions, proposing optimal resolution Committing We join your business teams sharing their challenges, offering proven solutions, leading to business excellence Partnering We are committed to add value and deliver solutions; end–to–end along our business relationship
Innovating We think out of the box, seeking solutions beyond perceived barriers and boundaries


Performance and Innovation Delivered

In today’s retail banking era, looking to do more with less in a challenging global economy, unveils the importance of a banking organization that can manage costs while finding innovative ways to improve overall business performance.

CubeIQ’s combination of skills, approaches and tools help develop and operate scalable, efficient and agile retail banking processes to deliver immediate and long-lasting value securing return on investment.

Contact CubeIQ and tap into the knowledge and experience of our consulting team.

Professional Services

Project Implementation Services

CubeIQ is following strict Project Management Methodology (PMM), in all activity steps of each customer project.

Among other, this is about:

  • Program Management
  • Project Implementation Management
  • Requirements Analysis
  • High Level Functional Design
  • Detailed Technical Design
  • System Architecture and Development Design
  • Development – Implementation
  • QA Testing
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Training
  • Go-live Support
  • Maintenance and Technical Support
  • Compliance Support
  • Recurring Training

Solutions to your Cash Management Challenges

A Rich Solutions Portfolio on Retail Banking Cash Management

CubeIQ has a proven track record in delivering solutions in the context of retail banking cash management. Turn-key solutions are backed-up with business consulting and project management services to maximize innovation, excellence in design and implementation quality.

Solution portfolio among other is addressing the following areas:

  • Teller Cash Management, including next generation Teller Cash Recycling (TCR) machines customization to the specific retail branch needs; i.e. one or more tellers’ multiplexed support, euro and FX denominations handling and storage configuration, start–of–day and end–of–day cash management procedures.
  • Cash Management specialized software solutions, including the market leader CasheXpress™ by Finsolint, which provides complete cash recycler support, with platform independence (Linux, Windows, etc) and multi-vendor recycler and peripheral connectivity.
  • Remote Cash Management integrated turn–key schemes addressing the large retailers and banks partnership in managing large amounts of cash.

Finsolint - Complete Cash Recycler Support

Managing your TCR’s - Managing your Cash

Finsolint founded in 2008 with the goal of delivering financial solutions. More specifically, the financial solutions that Finsolint offers are targeted at delivering optimal cash handling and cash management to financial institutions and retailers.

CX20F is the flagship product in the CasheXpress suite, designed for use in Bank retail branches, retailers and other cash handlers. CX20F provides complete cash recycler support - stand-alone or integrated.

CasheExpress, in its CX20F version, is a field proven cash management software, with rich features, such as:

  • Easy-to-use, modern graphical interface
  • On-screen graphical help to assist with user training and device issues
  • All standard cashiering functions (deposit, withdrawal, exchange, etc.)
  • Fast, one-button access to all common cashiering functions
  • User-configurable fast withdrawal mix algorithms
  • All extended recycler cash functions (counting, sorting, etc.)
  • Per user, per workstation and per recycler independent transaction days
  • Comprehensive cash inventories (per user, per workstation and per recycler)
  • Multi-level transaction journal with easy-to-use on-screen enquiry functions
  • Access to all aspects of every transaction controlled through "entitlements"
  • Fully flexible and configurable user & workstation entitlements via templates
  • User-configurable security features including silent alarm trigger
  • Flexible deployment including thin-client (browser) and think client (Windows)
  • Complete platform independence (Windows, Linux, browser, etc.)
  • Multi-vendor recycler and peripheral connectivity
  • Native multi-platform XML interfaces (plus Java, C/C++, C#, VB, .Net, etc.)

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Web Quality

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Print Quality

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Cash Recycling

5.2 MB

Reform via TCR

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Retail Banking
Paradigm Shift

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Cash Control

3.3 MB