Solutions We offer a wide spectrum of technology solutions in retail banking. Our competent team in systems integration is delivering turn-key solutions with proven track record during the last 20 years. Read More Technology Next generation Teller Cash Recyclers are a decisive contributor in revising your Retail Banking paradigm. Read More Services Our consultants’ team in business process re-engineering and banking jointly has more than 100 man–years of experience in the finance industry and real time processing environment. Read More Partners Our international technology partners contribute to our product and solutions portfolio with leading edge innovations in real-time finance industry challenging needs. Read More Recyclers Teller Cash Recycling machines are pushing the thechnology envelope. Representative of next generation era is the CM18 by ARCA. Read More RCC Next generation Smart Safes for efficient Remote Cash Control Read More Best in Class Our innovative and highly optimized RCC implementation has been awarded with the Business IT Award 2013 from ELTRUN of Athens Economic & Business University. Read More

Regulatory Bodies

Euro banknotes safeguarded by...

Legally, both the ECB and the central banks of the euro area countries have the right to issue euro banknotes. In practice, only the national central banks physically issue and withdraw euro banknotes (as well as coins). The ECB does not have a cash office and is not involved in any cash operations. As for euro coins, the legal issuers are the euro area countries. The European Commission coordinates all coin matters at euro area level.

The ECB is responsible for overseeing the activities of the national central banks (NCBs) and for initiating further harmonisation of cash services within the euro area, while the NCBs are responsible for the functioning of their national cash-distribution systems. The NCBs put banknotes and coins into circulation via the banking system and, to a lesser extent, via the retail trade. The ECB cannot perform these operations as it does not have its own technical departments (distribution units, banknote processing units, vaults, etc.).

European Union

European Central Bank

Bank of Greece and 17 more NCB’s

Regulatory Framework and Legislation on Euro Banknotes

Milestone decisions setting the regulatory context

The ECB and the National Central Banks (NCBs) of the Eurosystem, being the issuing authorities for the Euro banknotes are tasked with maintaining public trust in the single currency. This is done, among other things, by ensuring the integrity of the euro banknotes in circulation. For this reason, since Euro was launched on 1 January 1999, becoming the currency of more than 300 million people in Europe, in 17 of the 27 Member States of the European Union, a comprehensive regulatory framework has been constructed, aiming to protect the EU single currency.

Below there is an assortment of milestone decisions setting the regulatory context to-date, with special focus on the authenticity, fitness checking and recirculation of euro banknotes.

List of documents and references

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Retail Banking
Paradigm Shift

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